Displaying 10 of 110 results for "Martin Takáč" clear search
To understand the nature of sustainable biophysical/economic systems. To determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for sustainability. To explore the trade-off between sustainability and social or economic justice. To investigate the application of the MEP and/or the MEPP to economic systems, or agent-based models of economic systems.
Main Research Topics :
1) Agent-based Modeling (Communication between agents)
2) Economic and Econometric Algorithms and Software Development
3) Optimal International Trade Configuration
I am working on agent-based modeling, and more precisely on the development of tools to help people (in particular non computer scientists) to develop their own models. I am one of the main developer of the GAMA platform.
My main research interests are agent-based modeling, simulation of social complexity, computational social choice, distributed systems and applied artificial intelligence.
Current main research interests are concerned on diffusion of ICT among social actors of territorial systems: citizens(individuals and households), enterprises and governmental bodies. Most used methodological tools are , so far, multivariate statistics and Social Network Analysis.
I’d like to apply an ABM approach in the context of my PhD research project, aimed to observe the different modes of collaboration among universities and enterprises and tehir different effectiveness in terms of creation and spread of new knowledge.
My main research field is health economic modeling with the main focus on sexually transmitted diseases. We are trying to build a agent-based model using the FLAME-framework (www.flame.ac.uk).
Displaying 10 of 110 results for "Martin Takáč" clear search