
Displaying 10 of 135 results for "Florencia Del Castillo" clear search

Nina Schwarz Member since: Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 01:29 PM Full Member


Felipe Rivera Member since: Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 02:19 PM

Bachelor on Engineering Sciences, Civil Engineer, diploma in Construction Engineering and Management (professional degree)

Adel Ghazanfari Member since: Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 02:12 PM

Jorge Chan-Lau Member since: Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 02:21 AM

Ph.D., Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, M.Phil., Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, B.S., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru

ABM of financial markets, focused on systemic risk.

Elpida Tzafestas Member since: Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 05:32 PM

Electrical and Computer Engineering Degree, DEA (MSc) in Artificial Intelligence, PhD in Artificial Intelligence

Electrical and Computer Engineer (NTU, Athens), M.Sc. and Ph.D. on Artificial Intelligence (Univ. Paris VI, France). Formerly senior researcher in the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (NTU, Athens). I have taught a variety of courses on intelligent, complex and biological systems and cognitive science. I have participated in numerous national and european R&D projects and I have authored about a hundred articles in journals, books and conference proceedings, at least half of them as a single author. I am frequent reviewer for journals, conferences and research grants. My research interests lie on the intersection of biological, complex and cognitive systems and applications.

Area: Complex Biological, Social and Sociotechnical Systems
Specific focus: Origins of intelligent behavior

Salvador Pardo Gordó Member since: Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 10:54 AM Full Member

Pieter Van Oel Member since: Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 07:11 AM


I am fascinated by unraveling water-scarcity patterns. I am an expert in Integrated Assessment Modelling and Water Footprint Assessment. The concepts and tools that I have developed and applied all aim at availing knowledge at scales relevant to decision-makers in the water sector. During my PhD at the University of Twente I evaluated how spatiotemporal patterns of water availability relate to patterns of water use for a river basin in the semi-arid Northeast of Brazil. I have used agent-based modelling and developed the downstreamness concept to analyze the emergence of basin closure. This concept is helpful to water managers for identifying priority locations for intervention inside a river basin system. As a postdoc I continued to evaluate the relation between water use and availability and further broadened my scope to a wider range of related topics.

Cj Castillo Member since: Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 06:22 AM Full Member

BS Economics, MA Mathematics (currently)

I am interested in modeling social behavior. I have been working in the field of labor economics and industrial relations and how micro-simulations determine aggregate outcomes.

Cesar Garcia-Diaz Member since: Thu, Jul 09, 2015 at 05:48 PM Full Member

Ph.D. Economics & Business (University of Groningen, NL), M.Sc. Industrial Engineering (Universidad de los Andes, CO), B.Sc. Industrial Engineering (Universidad de los Andes, CO)

Nuno Fachada Member since: Sat, Aug 08, 2015 at 03:32 PM

MSc Electrical and Computer Engineering, BSc Electrical and Computer Engineering

Displaying 10 of 135 results for "Florencia Del Castillo" clear search

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