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The Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Vernon, TX (http://vernon.tamu.edu/) (Texas A & M University System) is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate (Agricultural Water Management) position.
Washington State University’s Agricultural, Natural, and Human Systems Modeling group seeks applications for a post-doctoral associate (or a qualified post-masters research associate) with broad interests in facilitating decision support at the intersection of climate, agriculture and
natural resources issues in the Pacific Northwest U.S.
A postdoctoral research associate is sought in the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan. The successful candidate will assist with 1) developing and implementing agent-based simulations of interactions between humans and wildlife; 2) analyzing and visualizing simulation outputs to share with decision makers; and 3) writing scientific, peer-reviewed publications.
Seeking researcher with skills in agent-based modelling of agricultural systems and/or networks for a project on traders as connectors and mediators across scales. The position is part of an ERC project that combines empirical research with modelling to identify mechanisms of persistence and change in social-ecological systems. The research involves collaboration with interdisciplinary team of empirical researchers, modellers and philosophers at Stockholm Resilience Centre (www.seslink.org).
We are seeking a highly motivated and qualified student to evaluate the ability of alternative cropping rotations in a dryland wheat-based cropping system to capture and utilize available water and soil nitrogen within complex landscapes and over a wide climatic gradient. Research will involve field experimentation, remote sensing, and hydrologic crop modeling.
The Animal Production Systems group (Wageningen University & Research) is looking for a modeller (PhD level) with highly developed GAMS and/or R programming skills to work on circular food system[…]
PhD assistantship in agent-based modeling for food-energy-water systems in the Deep South.
We are looking for a qualified person to coordinate and lead the development of data-driven analytical approaches to assess agricultural risk and risk-reduction interventions. The position will also provide thought leadership on new directions for CIAT’s data science research on agricultural risk management, financial services for agriculture (e.g. credit and insurance), and climate finance. The position will be full-time and based in Nairobi, Kenya, but will have a global mandate.
Agent-based modelling of recreational boating in the St. Lawrence Estuary and the Saguenay River (Québec, Canada) to mitigate their impacts on belugas and baleen wh[…]
Open position in computational social science at Sandia National Laboratories for someone with interest and expertise in simulation and/or data analysis, to work on a variety of projects related to computational social science. We’re doing work with system dynamics modeling, agent based simulation, cognitive modeling, complexity, and causality for a variety of research and application topics. A PhD is preferred, but there are related positions open that don’t necessarily prefer a PhD
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