Jobs & Appointments

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Modelling Household Energy Demand

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Modelling Household Energy Demand Salary: up to £37,394 The WholeSEM project is a four-year, £5.7 million collaboration between the Universities of Surrey and Cambridge, UCL and Imperial College funded by EPSRC to develop, integrate and apply models of future energy supply and demand in collaboration with stakeholders in academia, government and industry in the UK and internationally. For further information about the consortium please visit . The work at Surrey focuses on understanding […]

Postdoc at LMU Munich

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The Human-Environment Relations Group, Department of Geography, at LMU Munich is looking for another Post-Doc / Senior Scientist. Deadline 8th September 2014. Please feel free to forward the details to anyone you think may be interested. Agent-based modellers are welcome to apply! See the advert at: Post-doctoral Position (100%; Part-time possible) The Chair of Human- […]

2 PhD Positions in agent-based simulation

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The Cooperative Multi-Agent System (SMAC) group of the IRIT Lab in Toulouse, France is offering 2 PhD positions: both positions are related to the ANR Project GEN* ( which aims at providing tools and methods for the generation on synthetic populations for agent-based social simulations. The PhDs will conduct their research at the University Toulouse 1 Capitole ( in the IRIT laboratory ( Position 1: Models for the […]

Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Project Description: Economic and financial engineering studies economic and financial systems by means of a multidisciplinary approach involving competences arising from engineering, economics, computer science, mathematics and physics. In this context, the research activity will be focused on modelling and implementing an artificial financial economy based on heterogeneous interacting agents and on developing the software platforms for simulations that will provide a powerful and […]

Post-Doc in Human-Environment-Relations

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Claudia Binder

The Chair of Human-Environment Relations at the Department of Geography, University of Munich, has an inter- and transdisciplinary orientation and studies the question of transition towards sustainability. Key issues thereby are the processes in Human-Environment Systems which are at the interface of individual decision-making, social structure, governance, and environment. Our research fields include sustainable resource management (e.g., energy, water, phosphorous); sustainable regional […]

Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

We are seeking to appoint 2 Postdoctoral Researchers in the field of Socio-Ecological Systems Modelling for a period of 2 years. Based within the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh, you will join a team of researchers studying the effects of environmental change on land use, the impacts of climate change on rural and urban environments and how people will adapt to these changes. We explore these themes at multiple temporal and spatial scales using different methods such […]

Research Assistant for Netlogo debugging

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

RA needed briefly to help code and debug a simulation in Netlogo implementing an algorithm modeling firms’ innovations and the development of an industry in particular locations. I’ve already written pseudocode for the algorithm – just need some help translating it into real code that will actually compile. Must have experience with Netlogo and availability in June or July. Hours and location flexible. To apply, please email Russell Golman and describe your programming experience and your […]

Funding is available for one post-doctoral fellowship with the Canadian Network for Aquatic Ecosystem Services (CNAES). The fellowship is based out of Western University in London, Ontario in collaboration with Alberta Innovates in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The project will involve scenario analysis to develop alternative futures of forest aquatic ecosystem services and assess the economic and ecological risks of policy options under alternative futures. The successful candidate will be […]

1 postdoc / 2 phD positions in Barcelona

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Xavier Rubio-Campillo

The Social Simulation group from the Computer Applications & Engineering Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center is offering a postdoc position (2 years) and two fully funded PhD studentships (4 years each) available in the ERC-project “EPNet. Production and Distribution of Food during the Roman Empire: Economic and Political Dynamics” ( Additional information provided here: Postdoc: […]

We are seeking a Post Doctoral Researcher to join an international project on the development of methods for analysis and visualization of ‘big data’ from computational agent-based models (ABMs) of coupled human-natural systems. This vacancy is part of a multidisciplinary multinational MIRACLE project (MIning Relationships Among variables in large datasets from CompLEx systems). MIRACLE is a joint project between the Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity at the Arizona State University […]

Displaying 10 of 240 results Simulation clear filters

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