Jointly organized by the Behave Lab, the University of Milan and the University of Brescia, this school aims to train students in agent-based modeling through theoretical and practical lectures, daily hands-on sessions (individual and group), project presentations, and personal consultations with faculty experts. The school is hybrid with up to 40 participants in Brescia and unlimited others remotely connected. The training will take from 10-13AM to 2-5PM (CET Time). The first week is addressed to beginners or experts needing a refresh and will introduce the principles and methods of agent-based modelling, the features of NetLogo and practicting with modelling exercises. The second week will provide advanced training on model calibration and validation, with intense training on statistical techniques for parameter estimation and analysis. Students can choose to attend the entire school or just one of the two weeks, onsite only, online only, or both.
The 2025 faculty includes: Flaminio Squazzoni (Director), Nicolas Payette (Oxford University), Simone Gabbriellini (Catholic University of Milan), Federico Bianchi & Francesco Renzini (University of Milan), Carlo De Bernardi (University of Siena), Davide Bazzana and Mattia Guerini (University of Brescia), Tatiana Filatova (TU Delft, invited lecturer), Nanda Wijermans (Stockholm University, invited lecturer), and Luis R. Izquierdo (Universidad de Burgos, Invited lecturer).