Community Events

International Conference on Computational Social Science


Deadline for abstract submission: 15 November 2014
Opening of registration: 15 January 2015
Conference dates: 8-11 June 2015


The conference will bring together scientists from different areas to meet and discuss problems on social systems and dynamics, as well as research questions motivated by large datasets, either extracted from real applications (e.g. social media, communication systems), or created via controlled experiments.

Karen Cook (Stanford)
Santo Fortunato (Aalto University)
Michael Macy (Cornell)

Lada Adamic (Facebook)
Sinan Aral (MIT)
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi * (Northeastern University and CEU)
Nicholas Christakis (Yale)
Robin Dunbar (Oxford)
Andreas Flache (University of Groeningen)
Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich)
Matthew Jackson (Stanford)
Jure Leskovec (Stanford)
Sandy Pentland (MIT)
Alessandro Vespignani (Northeastern University)
Duncan Watts (Microsoft)

  • to be confirmed


Santo Fortunato (Aalto University),
Aristides Gionis (Aalto),
Heikki Hämmäinen (Aalto),
Kimmo Kaski (Aalto),
Walter Quattrociocchi (IMT Lucca),
Jari Saramäki (Aalto),
Juuso Valimäki (Aalto)

TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE (but are not limited to)

Social networks
Social contagion
Communication dynamics
Information diffusion and other spreading phenomena
Social influence
Popularity dynamics
Smart cities
Attention economics
Social design and user behavior
Group formation, evolution and group behavior analysis
Human mobility
Mobility and context-awareness
Economics of trust


Contributions to the conference have to be submitted via Easychair (, the name of the event there is IC2S2. Each submission consists of an extended abstract of max 2 pages (A4). Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work, otherwise it will be difficult for the PC to assess its relevance. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by two PC members. Abstracts can be submitted from September the 15th till November 15th, 2014. We will do out best to have mostly oral presentations of the selected contributions, both plenary
and in parallel sessions. However, since we cannot estimate the number of submissions, in case they turn out to be more than expected, we do not exclude having a poster session.


For any question you might have please contact Prof. Santo Fortunato ([email protected])


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