Call for applications: Science Tour December 2014
Apply now for a one-week journey around Germany on a tour of cutting-edge research institutions specialized in computer-based modelling and simulation. The tour will focus on scenario-building of current issues regarding maritime sciences, economics, climate change and epidemiology. It is open to all international researchers and administrators (applicants must have held a PhD/doctorate for at least two years and be affiliated to a non-German university/research
institute) who are keenly interested in collaborating with German colleagues. For more information please visit our website
Dr. Dominik Reusser
Flagship speaker: Sustainable Transition Pathways
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Research Domain 2: Climate Impacts & Vulnerabilities Reserach Area III: Climate Change and Development
Telephone +49 331 288 26 46
Fax +49 331 288 20709
P.O.Box 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany Visiting adress: Pappelallee 20, 14469 Potsdam