CSSSA 2011Santa Fe, NM, USAVenue: http://www.bishopslodge.com/October 9-12, 2011 Over the past decade simulating social processes has become increasingly important in the social and life sciences. The Computational Social Science Society of America organizes its second conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The 2011 conference will provide a forum for presenting models and discussing present research and future directions.Papers and presentations can cover a wide range of research topics, includingSocial networks and their dynamicsInformation and opinion dynamicsTrust, reputation and norm dynamicsConflict and cooperationSocial-ecological systemsCollective behaviorAgent-based computational economicsCultural dynamicsMarket dynamics and consumer behaviorInnovation diffusionEmpirically grounded agent-based modelingModel replication and validationAgent-based modeling platformsParticipatory modeling and simulationAccepted papers will be published in the post-proceedings. Authors of accepted papers must archive documentation of their models in a public repository, such as openabm.orgPapers have a maximum of 8 single spaced pages and use times roman 12 font size and should be submitted to https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csss2011There is also the option for poster presentations for which one only need to submit an abstract.Important dates:Deadline submission: July 1, 2011Notification acceptable:July 14, 2011Early registration deadline: August 1, 2011For more information see: http://computationalsocialscience.org/17-2