“SIMULATION OF COMPLEX SOCIAL SYSTEMS” (SICOSSYS 2011) Workshop/Paper Track at the Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2011 (SCSC ‘11) SUMMER COMPUTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE 27-30 June 2011, World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands http://www.msc-les.org/conf/summersim2011/SCSC2011/index_file/Page436.htm
Agent-oriented modelling provides a conceptual framework for analysis and simulation of complex social systems. This comes from the fact that agent-related concepts allow the representation of organizational and behavioural aspects of individuals in a society and their interactions.
This has motivated in the last years the development of a wide range of software languages/shells/libraries to simulate agent-based models. This workshop intends to promote discussion on theories, methods, and tools for agent-based modelling and simulation of complex social systems. This discussion should lead to the identification of key research issues in this novel domain:
Simulation of ABM and GIS, Social Networks, Human-subject experimentation.
Contributions from Social Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics. ABM for policy-makers.
Statistical and Software validation.
Scalability of agent-based simulations. Limitations for Agent-Based Simulation. Is there a need for a grid-based agent-based simulation platform?
Authors must strictly follow SCSC guidelines for paper submission.
http://www.msc-les.org/conf/summersim2011/SCSC2011/index_file/AuthorsInstruc tions.htm
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Submission of papers (and tutorials proposals) ---- February 15, 2011 Notification of Acceptance ---- April 15, 2011 Final Submission ----- May 15, 2011
José I. Santos, INSISOC – University of Burgos, Spain; Luis R. Izquierdo, INSISOC – University of Burgos, Spain; José M. Galán, INSISOC – University of Burgos, Spain.