Stylized Spatial-Social Subsystem based on Luhmann's theory (S4Luhmann) (1.0.0)
The model proposes a translation of some Luhmann’s concepts (social sub-system, perturbation, dissipation, social communication and power) into a model using a stylized spatial-society as a metaphor of a Luhmann’s social subsystem. The model has been used to improve the social theory understanding and to evaluate the effect of different parameterization in the global stabilization and individual/social power distribution.
Release Notes
See: da Silva, Marcos Aurélio Santos; Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe . A Stylized Model of Individual-Society Interaction Based on Luhmann s Theory. In: G. Dimuro; L. Antunes. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, v. 10798, p. 121-140.
Associated Publications
Stylized Spatial-Social Subsystem based on Luhmann's theory (S4Luhmann) 1.0.0
The model proposes a translation of some Luhmann’s concepts (social sub-system, perturbation, dissipation, social communication and power) into a model using a stylized spatial-society as a metaphor of a Luhmann’s social subsystem. The model has been used to improve the social theory understanding and to evaluate the effect of different parameterization in the global stabilization and individual/social power distribution.
Release Notes
See: da Silva, Marcos Aurélio Santos; Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe . A Stylized Model of Individual-Society Interaction Based on Luhmann s Theory. In: G. Dimuro; L. Antunes. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, v. 10798, p. 121-140.