Weighted Balance Model of Issue Alignment and Polarization (1.0.0)
This model is pertinent to our JASSS publication “Raising the Spectrum of Polarization: Generating Issue Alignment with a Weighted Balance Opinion Dynamics Model”. It shows how, based on the mechanisms of our Weighted Balance Theory (a development of Fritz Heider’s Cognitive Balance Theory), agents can self-organize in a multi-dimensional opinion space and form an emergent ideological spectrum. The degree of issue alignment and polarization realized by the model depends mainly on the agent-specific ‘equanimity parameter’ epsilon.
Release Notes
The model code is in form of a Jupyter Notebook, and runs with Python 3. Required packages are os, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and sklearn. They are all part of the standard Anaconda distribution.
Associated Publications
Weighted Balance Model of Issue Alignment and Polarization 1.0.0
This model is pertinent to our JASSS publication “Raising the Spectrum of Polarization: Generating Issue Alignment with a Weighted Balance Opinion Dynamics Model”. It shows how, based on the mechanisms of our Weighted Balance Theory (a development of Fritz Heider’s Cognitive Balance Theory), agents can self-organize in a multi-dimensional opinion space and form an emergent ideological spectrum. The degree of issue alignment and polarization realized by the model depends mainly on the agent-specific ‘equanimity parameter’ epsilon.
Release Notes
The model code is in form of a Jupyter Notebook, and runs with Python 3. Required packages are os, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and sklearn. They are all part of the standard Anaconda distribution.