Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 212 results NetLogo clear search

Best Practices for Civic Collaboration

Wei Zhong | Published Saturday, December 20, 2008 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

This is a modified version (Netlogo 4.0.3) of the model in support of Erik Johnstons dissertation, programmed in Netlogo 3.1.4 (May 15th, 2007).


Madeline Tyson | Published Thursday, August 24, 2017

This model includes an innovation search environment. Agents search and can share their findings. It’s implemented in Netlogo-Hubnet & a parallel Netlogo model. This allows for validation of search strategies against experimental findings.

This is an agent-based model that simulates the structural evolution in food supply chain.

Income Model

Tony Lawson | Published Monday, August 26, 2013

This is the code for the model described in an article in the International Journal of Microsimulation. Lawson (2013) ‘Modelling Household Spending Using a Random Assignment Scheme’, International Journal of Microsimulation, 6(2) Autumn 2013, 56-75.

MASTOC - A Multi-Agent System of the Tragedy Of The Commons

Julia Schindler | Published Tuesday, November 30, 2010 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

MASTOC is a replication of the Tragedy of the Commons by G. Hardin, programmed in NetLogo 4.0.4, based on behavioral game theory and Nash solution.

Shared Norms and the Evolution of Ethnic Markers

Nathan Rollins | Published Friday, January 22, 2010 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

The publication and mathematical model upon which this ABM is based shows one mechanism that can lead to stable behavioral and cultural traits between groups.

Symmetric two-sided matching

Naoki Shiba | Published Wednesday, January 09, 2013 | Last modified Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This is a replication model of the matching problem including the mate search problem, which is the generalization of a traditional optimization problem.

A multithreaded PPHPC replication in Java

Nuno Fachada | Published Saturday, October 31, 2015 | Last modified Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A multithreaded replication of the PPHPC model in Java for testing different ABM parallelization strategies.

Cumulative effects agent-based model of forestry and hunting

Scott Heckbert | Published Friday, December 04, 2009 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

This NetLogo model represents hunters and forestry road development in a spatial landscape. The cumulative effects of multiple resource use is explored.


François Rebaudo | Published Wednesday, August 29, 2012 | Last modified Monday, October 13, 2014

SimAdapt: An individual-based genetic model for simulating landscape management impacts on populations

Displaying 10 of 212 results NetLogo clear search

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