Informal City version 1.0 (1.1.0)
The biggest part of urbanization takes place in cities of the global south, often in informal settlements. Urban upgrading shall improve livelihood conditions, but might lead to unexpected effects like increased segregation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the effects of improved infrastructure provision onto spatial patterns of population distribution. InformalCity, a spatially explicit agent-based model (ABM), simulates an artificial city and allows for testing configurations of urban upgrading schemes.
Release Notes
Version 1.0
(this is openabm version 2: only documentation was updated compared to version 1)
Associated Publications
Schwarz, N., Flacke, J., Sliuzas, R. (2016): Modelling the impacts of urban upgrading on population dynamics. Environmental Modelling & Software 78: 150-162.
Informal City version 1.0 1.1.0
Submitted by
Nina Schwarz
Published Jul 30, 2015
Last modified Mar 25, 2020
The biggest part of urbanization takes place in cities of the global south, often in informal settlements. Urban upgrading shall improve livelihood conditions, but might lead to unexpected effects like increased segregation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the effects of improved infrastructure provision onto spatial patterns of population distribution. InformalCity, a spatially explicit agent-based model (ABM), simulates an artificial city and allows for testing configurations of urban upgrading schemes.
Release Notes
Version 1.0
(this is openabm version 2: only documentation was updated compared to version 1)