Game of Thrones model (1.0.0)
This model slowly evolves to become Westeros, with houses fighting for the thrones, and whitewalkers trying to kill all living things. You can download each version to see the evolution of the code, from the Wolf Sheep Predation model to the Game of Thrones model. If you are only interested in the end product, simply download the latest version.
For instructions on each step, see:
Release Notes
This is step 2 in the process of creating an ABM of Game of Thrones. It simply adds humans to the Wolf Sheep Predation model (Wilensky 1997). The people move around the landscape and can domesticate some of the wolves they encounter (or get eaten by them). People can feed on grass (let’s pretend it’s wheat) and sheep as well.
Note that there is an error in the humans-feed-animals procedure. In its current state, humans take away dogs’ energy even when there is no sheep to share. The correct code should read:
to humans-feed-animals
; Identifies the dogs and feed them by sharing a sheep if there is one around
let dogs wolves-here with [ domesticated? = true ] ; temporary variable to identify dogs on the same patch
let prey sheep-here ; check if there are sheep that can be fed to the dog
if any? dogs and any? prey [ ; if there are any dogs here and a sheep they can be fed with…
ask one-of dogs [
eat-sheep * ; the human tells its dog to hunt a sheep …
set energy energy - 20 * ; … and take some of the nutrients for itself (but not all of it)
] * ; end of the “ask one-of dogs”
set energy energy + 20 * ; the human also gets nutrients from the hunted sheep
] * ; end of the “if any? dogs” bracket*
Associated Publications
The setting, names, characters, houses, are all inspired by the A Song of Ice and Fire books by George R. R. Martin and the HBO Game of Thrones show.
This release is out-of-date. The latest version is
Game of Thrones model 1.0.0
This model slowly evolves to become Westeros, with houses fighting for the thrones, and whitewalkers trying to kill all living things. You can download each version to see the evolution of the code, from the Wolf Sheep Predation model to the Game of Thrones model. If you are only interested in the end product, simply download the latest version.
For instructions on each step, see:
Release Notes
This is step 2 in the process of creating an ABM of Game of Thrones. It simply adds humans to the Wolf Sheep Predation model (Wilensky 1997). The people move around the landscape and can domesticate some of the wolves they encounter (or get eaten by them). People can feed on grass (let’s pretend it’s wheat) and sheep as well.
Note that there is an error in the humans-feed-animals procedure. In its current state, humans take away dogs’ energy even when there is no sheep to share. The correct code should read:
to humans-feed-animals
; Identifies the dogs and feed them by sharing a sheep if there is one around
let dogs wolves-here with [ domesticated? = true ] ; temporary variable to identify dogs on the same patch
let prey sheep-here ; check if there are sheep that can be fed to the dog
if any? dogs and any? prey [ ; if there are any dogs here and a sheep they can be fed with…
ask one-of dogs [
eat-sheep * ; the human tells its dog to hunt a sheep …
set energy energy - 20 * ; … and take some of the nutrients for itself (but not all of it)
] * ; end of the “ask one-of dogs”
set energy energy + 20 * ; the human also gets nutrients from the hunted sheep
] * ; end of the “if any? dogs” bracket*